Friday, March 21, 2008

Does anyone check this thing?

I can't ever tell if anyone checks my blog. So I've decided to try something out and see. I have just reached my 200th item sold in my etsy shop. Hooray! I love selling through etsy because it really gives me the flexibility that I need with my schedule. I can control how busy I am so that I've also got time to be a mom.
Anyway, in celebration of reaching this nice, round number, I'm going to have a giveaway! Hooray for free things! Just leave a post before Sunday the 23rd and I'll randomly pick a winner to receive a free set of...

...these bitty clips! I love these colors for summer, they should go with just about every outfit that you can come up with. Happy posting!


Sita said...

I check it occasionaly, ever since I bought some of your stuff from a trunk show! I love your clips...can't wait to get more!

Unknown said...

PICK ME PICK ME!!!! I am a faithful reader of it!:) You are so talented! Congrats on your 2000 sell - that's amazing!

Unknown said...

I meant to put 200 - but 2000 would be VERY EXCITING!

kennan said...

hopefully you can put my name in more than once (hint hint). so add me to it. you know i love your stiff.

Anonymous said...

I love your binky clips and just orderd one from you. Lovely stuff!!